Spy Game for Kids
When you plan a spy party or a spy game for the kids at home you want to add some mystery and a crime solving activity that will get the kids excited. This post is a continuation of my other post about planning and organizing a spy party and the same ideas in this post can be used for a fun spy activity for the kids at home that will keep them busy for at least an hour. You can make the clues harder to crack to get them engaged for longer :)
In this spy game, crooks had stolen the kids goodie bags (or any other prize) and hidden them somewhere, for the other members of their gang to collect later. The crooks left behind 10 clues for their mates to help lead them to the loot. Now the secret agents must crack those clues to find the loot before the rest of the gang comes to get it.
Hand the kids this secret agent mission file before they go on their mission. You can edit the text easily.
Let the kids get into their secret agent roles -- find 'spy' accessories such as hats, sunglasses, black jacket ..etc and let the kids wear them before they go on their mission.
Below is a list of 10 spy game clues. You can use them as is, edit them, use only some of them, or add more – it all depends on your preferences and how long you want your spy game to last.
Here are more details about each clue and how to prepare them (I promise it's easy!!). You don't have to get the designed printable, you can print or hand-write the clues on a piece of paper as in the example below.
Clue 1
Come on, secret agents, let’s waste no time!
Print out or hand-write a description of the next hiding place (such as “Look under the middle cushion of the sofa” or “Go open the closet door and look on the inside of it”) and cut it into pieces, making a puzzle. The kids put the puzzle pieces together to find the next hiding place.
Clue 2
Nice work, secret agents. You found this clue.I'm sure you know the next thing to do.
Use the special agent invisible ink pen light
To read the next hidden clue, which is written in white.

For this clue write directions to the next hiding place using an invisible ink pen. The kids need to use the light of the invisible ink pen (or any light) in order to read the clue.
If you don't have an invisible ink pen (you can get them on Amazon!) then you can create your own invisible ink and simply edit the wording of clue 2.
Clue 3
These nasty criminals may think they have won
But you, secret agents, will show them how it’s done!
The crooks hid the next clue inside a blue balloon
But use the orange peel juice to pop it, and you’ll move on soon.
This clue is quite cool, as it involves some knowledge of science. Explain that only secret agents know that the limonene in an orange peel will pop a balloon. The young secret agents need to find orange peel (make sure you have oranges at home) and squeeze it on the balloon to pop it. They find that inside it was clue number 4. When you prepare this clue you should print out the directions to the next clue, put them inside a blue balloon (or any colour balloon, just change the text in Clue 3 above) and let the kids blow up the balloon.
I used this trick many times before. Watch how it's done here:
Clue 4
Secret agents, how extremely well done!
You now need a mirror to solve this next one.
Wow, you’re getting closer, we’re so proud of you
Using a mirror you will find your next hidden clue.
You will need to print the the next hiding place in mirror / reverse text and let the kids use a mirror to read the text and find it.
Here is a simply explanation how to do so in Word: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/reverse-mirror-text-microsoft-word/
It should look like that (try cracking it with a mirror):
I hid Clue 5 in the corridor, but you can change the hiding place to anywhere you’d like.
Clue 5
The next clue is hidden under something with 4 legs.
To solve it you’ll have to think hard and use your heads.
To narrow things down just one tiny bit,
This clue is hidden under a place where we sit.
This clue was intended to be very general and make the kids search everywhere around the house for a chair that has a clue glued to the underside of the seat. It was quite fun and great team work, as all the kids collaborated to search in different places, in order to find this specific chair with the clue.
Clue 6
Secret agents you are almost done
Answer all the questions one by one
Combine the first letters of each answer
To find your next secret clue faster
Ask some questions about your family or general knowledge that they can search on Google, all depends on the kids age. Make the first letter of each answer combined lead to the new clue.
Clue 7
Secret agents you must move fast without fear
The criminals’ mates will soon be back here
Compare the 2 photos, have a close look
The difference will tell you where next to look
Clue 7 is also very fun and you can think of many ways of doing it. Take 2 photos of the same thing. The two photos are identical, except for one difference that should give the young agents a clue about the next hiding place. I took 2 identical photos of my kids, except that in one of them the birthday boy’s brother wasn’t wearing a coat. The next clue was hidden in his coat pocket.

Clue 8
Secret agents, you guys really rock!
You are going to give the bad guys a shock
If you place the postcard decoder on top of this card
Finding the next hidden clue shouldn’t be hard
Okay, this clue is also very cool. You’ll need to create a word cloud that also contains the hiding place of your next clue. Then create a postcard decoder -- a piece of paper with bits of it cut out in the right places, so that when it is placed on top of the word cloud it reveals the directions to the next hiding place. In the image above, the word cloud is on the right and on the left you see how it looks when the postcard decoder is placed on top of it. This is how they found out that their next clue is under the middle table.
Clue 9
You have 10 minutes left till the crooks will appear
You can finish this quickly, secret agents, have no fear
Use the secret cipher to find your last clue here: xxxxx xxxx
Clue 9 is a sort of a riddle to direct them to the entry (of the hall/your house, this could be change to any other place you wish). They will need the password cipher to decode part of the message (the word 'entry door' encrypted in the message above). Once they decode it, it will be clear that the next hiding place is somewhere on or next to the house's entry door.
You can edit the encrypted words in the spy game clues design. The kids will need the password cipher card to decode the encrypted words.
Clue 10
You made it secret agents, you have the key!
Now wait for your fellow agents a minute or three
Because in order to frighten the criminals and scare them away
You all must shout out loud: Happy Birthday! Hurray!
That's it, they did it! You can hand out the goodie bags that they found.
Looking for some great ideas for your child's spy party? read this article about fun spy party ideas.
Looking for cool spy party decorations? Check out our spy party decoration pack: